Andrew's Japanese Blog

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Alright, I finally got my computer to type Japanese. I'm sure most of it doesn't make too much sense, but i'm trying to keep online translation to a minimum since I know so little of the language. Here goes:

みなさん、こんばんは。きんようびからにちようびまでコネチカットへかえりました。かぞくはわたしになつかしむI'm trying to say my family missed me). 木曜日に地下鉄でSTMARKSへ日本語の昼休みを食べました。らめんとみそをたべました。あれはおいしいです。

I'm still working out the kinks, and I think another Japanese word program I downloaded is interfering with it at the same time because a few of the functions don't work (or I'm just completely incompetent when it comes to computers). Once I get the hang of it, typing will be a lot easier. I also noticed that when i push space before the sentence is done, it converts some of the Hiragana into Kanji. Does anyone know how accurate this translation is?

In other news, I was browsing the blogs of the other だいがくせ and noticed that mentioned the new Final Fantasy game coming out. I'm very excited for that and I think it's going to be a great game.

Anyway, it's getting late. じゃまたあした。いまねます。あした、あといっぽをかきます.


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